Treasure Chest contains more information created
by Pamela and Hugh to further develop the ideas and techniques you've
read in the book. Find out how to correct your allergies in people
and pets. Learn more about hypnosis, past lives and much more.
Read about:
abuse memories
akashic records
earth changes
Higher Self
inner child
Light for the millennium
Do you have allergy problems?
Learn about the Allergone Allergy Correction Method ® and how it can help you with your allergies.
It's free and it doesn't involve pills or shots or inhalers. |
past lives
psychic dreams
regression therapy
spirit channeling spirit possesion
subconscious mind
Newsletters For August 2001
August 2, 2001 August
13, 2001 August 23,
Back to the Newsletter
If you would like to receive this newletter, please
email odyssey at (Replace the at with @.)
We welcome Doris Ruegg and Angela Mahler of California,
Michael Griffin, Andrea of Washington, Amin Faruqi, and Diane
Kloster. Please pause and send Light to each of them.
Our A.C.T. Program presented as "An Afternoon
of Hypnosis at The Ritz" was quite successful and, as usual,
the audience was amazing. Group energy is always powerful and
when it is focused - as it often is in mind and spirit type
seminars - the power is truly awesome. We like to present hypnosis
shows as our "opening act" to show those attending how little
they know of the astonishing power of their minds and how this
power can be used more knowingly.
Earl Pye, one of our Lights, attended with wife
Elizabeth (who was one of the stars of the show) and sent a
testimonial afterwards outlining the benefits he felt he reaped
at the program. This is always such a thoughtful act - all presenters
are very grateful to receive testimonials and these always are
so helpful to others. The next time you attend a seminar or
a class from which you benefit, take a moment to write a testimonial
letter or email. It is an act of giving that reaps rewards in
many ways.
Kim Cantieri, another Light, was - like Elizabeth
Pye - also a "star" of the show. When asked, in hypnosis, to
present their favorite performer Elizabeth stood up and acted
(not just recited) Meryl Streep perfectly. She looked like her,
sounded like her, and gave a word for word (the subconscious
has perfect memory) monologue from the movie in which Meryl
Streep’s character was dying of cancer. Kim channeled Billie
Holiday. Yes, you heard right. When Pamela leaned down next
to Kim to ask who she was going to do - she felt the cold presence
of spirit. A soft voice from Kim murmured she was Billie Holiday,
then Ms. Holiday stood up and sang. Have you ever heard Billie
Holiday? Low, LOW voice - beautiful voice and husky with alcohol,
drugs, and pain. The audience, and we, had "goose bumps" (or
"God Bumps, as Reverend Lowell Nece says), when this astonishing
"voice" sang the blues. Later, Kim said she had only a vague
idea of who Billie Holiday was and no idea of how she sounded
or what she sang exactly. When tested with NMR, we discovered
Ms. Holiday to be with Kim and we helped Ms. Holiday to move
into the "spirit world" (also known as soul world and astral
world) where she can continue to entertain.
Pause and send Light, if you would, to Earl Pye,
Elizabeth Pye, Kim Cantieri, Reverend Lowell Nece, Meryl Streep,
and Billie Holiday!
Kathleen Tumpane, Flemming Leer Jakobson, and
Lil Raven emailed they forwarded our ezine and/or recommended
the website to others. Rain Hernandez and Marilyn Parsons bought
Book I as gifts. That’s using the Power of Ten. Please Pause
to Send Light to Kathleen, Flemming, Lil, Rain and Marilynn
as well as to all who spoke of or promoted Light’s Plan to save
Planet Earth.
Love the logo/motto so many have adopted: "Think
Global, Act Local". Pay attention to what you can do to help
the Earth in your daily habits. Do not litter. Pick up litter
when you see it. Conserve resources. Recycle. Buy organic fruits
and vegetables, cage free eggs, and meats of animals that have
NOT been crowded into pens or crates or force fed. Stress chemicals
in the bodies of animals that have been stressed their whole
lives are not good for your body, neither are growth hormones.
Insist - in writing - that your grocery offer meats and dairy
products from animals that have been humanely raised, slaughtered
and free of antibiotics and growth hormones. (Kosher foods are
a good choice.) Did you read in Chapter Five of Book I how to
soak vegetables, fruits, eggs in Clorox water to rid them of
pesticides that plain water won’t reach? BE SURE to forward
the info in the same chapter on Clorox baths to friends having
chemotherapy and soda baths to friends having radiation therapy.
Spread the awareness that sonograms are harmful to the developing
child. If a sonogram is necessary for health concerns, hire
a hypnotist to hypnotize the baby in the womb (yes, they can
hear, but this is mostly mind to mind communication) to help
the babe repair the damage to the nervous system. Pay attention
also to the info on Cesareans. A Canadian reader of our book
wrote: "I agreed with almost everything in your book as I was
reading it, but disagreed strongly with the information on Cesareans.
Then, the very next morning, I opened my News Tribune. The headline
read: ‘Study links Cesarean birth, schizophrenia.’ Okay, okay",
he wrote, "forgive me. I believe you!"
Were you or your child delivered by Cesarean?
Were you or your child "sonogrammed"? Guidance next week on
how you can use Light, mind, and body to undo an residual damage.
Great story! Remember how we suggested you ask
your subconscious to bring the song we’d chosen to your attention?
We even suggested paying close attention to the music you heard
all week as, having read our suggestion, you might very well
find your subconscious alerting you to our song in that very
way. Well………Adrianne Kimura of Brazil has a subconscious that
was listening!! She was listening too! While watching (in Brazil)
a pay-for-view American Movie (Sandra Bullock in 28 days) -
she heard a song about a "frog and some wine" and during the
chorus "Joy to the world" suddenly thought, "That’s it! That’s
the song! The Psychic Game Song! That’s it!’ She was right.
This is exactly how it is supposed to work! We’ll admit Dri’s
almost weekly contact with Pamela has created a bond between
Pamela’s mind and Dri’s. BUT, these weekly e-zine contacts with
you and the psychic games are for the same purpose - to help
us all connect with one another. Once that connection is established,
the subconscious will constantly monitor for communications
among us.
Another connection with the "Joy To The World"
song for us….the lyric, as you may recall, is "Jeremiah was
a bullfrog." Do you remember from Book I when we were warned
we had to move or the clinic would burn down to get us to move
on? The spirit "assigned" to burning down the clinic was/is
The "key" to being "psychic" IS the subconscious
mind. Read below for the second installment of the "Pre-Game
Plan for the Psychic Game".
Can’t wait to tune into an object? Okay….object
is about the size of a tennis ball. It sits on the mantle of
our fireplace. The fireplace is on the North Side? South Side?
West Side? East Side? of the room. The object is on the right
side? left side? of the mantle. The object is made of: Wood?
Glass? Metal? The color is: White? Green? Red? What is the object?
Bonus question: What is special about this object?
Have you created the meeting place for you and
your subconscious? What did you name it? "Command Center" "Power
Place". "Meeting Room". "Work Place". "My Place". "Favorite
Place". "Psychic Place". Or something of your own?
Did you make it cozy? Of course you have a large
screen on one wall - maybe above a fireplace? - and a telephone
with many buttons or a cell phone, and a computer on your desk.
We’ll tell you why in a moment.
First….decide how to get to your place. Something
more than just closing your eyes unless you are very, very good
at shutting out all distracting thoughts and sensations and
moving into an altered state the moment you close your eyes.
For instance, you might: Close your eyes. Breathe
deeply. Count down mentally from 100 to 1. As soon as your place
appears or you seem to be there, stop counting.
OR: Close your eyes. Be in the woods. Go up (or
down) the path. Cross behind (or up or down) a waterfall. Slide
over a rainbow bridge. Walk down 3 ( or 10 or 1 or whatever)
steps. Open the door or the gate to your center.
Whatever you create, use this each time as a
cue for your subconscious to open the "meeting place". After
a time, you can created alternative routes as the thought of
the meeting place, itself, makes this connection happen.
How do you use the equipment in the meeting place?
For mental telepathy - i.e. mind to mind communication - use
the phone on your desk or the computer. After all, telephones
and emails are already strong triggers for your subconscious
that you wish to contact someone. In your center/meeting place,
mentally pick up the phone and dial the number of the person
you wish to contact. Or dial the person’s name, or speak it
into the phone. Then get as clear a mental picture or thought
of this person as you can "conjure" in your mind. Or type the
email address of the person into your computer, or tell your
computer to contact this person. Use the person’s name or email
address, if you have contacted this person before via email.
Again, get a mental picture of this person. Or "feel" or "smell"
this person. Use the sense that is most effective for you.
Want to "see" someone? Or an event of the past,
present or a possible event of the future? Ask the computer
to lower the screen on your wall and show you what you want
to see.
Want a visit with someone’s spirit? Establish
contact with mental telepathy and ask this spirit to visit you
in your center. Tell this one to come in via the elevator. Whenever
you ask a spirit to visit, always escort him, her, or it back
to the elevator when the visit is finished. You don’t need a
spirit attachment. Even the spirits of embodied people can visit
you in this way. As can your own inner personalities - inner
children, past life personalities. As can spirit guides and
so on.
Establish a spiritual corner or garden or spot
in or near this place for meeting with Higher Self, spirit guides,
angels or Higher Spirit. Remember, these higher levels of spirit
can use any form they or you prefer to use to represent their
Have fun. The subconscious is SO MUCH more cooperative
when it’s fun.
When you send your Light to Earth this week, continue with
your work on your skin. Begin doing daily face lifts and you
will eventually recover your youthful facial contours or will
never lose them. Do face isometrics. Here is a way to do this:
Arranging your face as peaceful as you can IMAGINE you are smiling
broadly, without moving your lips or your face. You will actually
feel your muscles Hold for several seconds. Now imagine you
are frowning and hold. Then surprise, then grief, then every
facial expression you can think of. Also effective: Without
moving your skin, imagine you are lifting specific muscles and
pushing outwards. Hold for 10 seconds. Work your way from the
forehead down or the chin up. You can do this with your whole
body. Next week, isometrics as part of the daily "grind".
With Light,
Pamela & Dr. Hugh
Pause now and Send Light to Earth, You, and Loved Ones.
For previous e-zines, go to:

We welcome Lynn Hopkins and Julie Boals of California,
MI Nuckcheddy of Mauritius (off the coast of Africa), Bob Goodwin,
Anne Geenens of Belgium, and Soulie. Please pause and send Light
to each of them.
Julia Allison is a clinical hypnotherapist in
Palm Beach, Florida who is now certified in NMR (Neuro-Muscular
Response). Read about NMR in Chapter 3 of Odyssey of the
Soul, Apocatastasis. We were most honored to teach a hypnotherapist
of Julia’s caliber, & she reports her clients are thrilled
to have this wonderful technique available to them as they seek
their inner knowledge. Julia has a truly beautiful & informative
website (address at the end) on the benefits of hypnosis. Please
pause and send Light to Julia Allison.
"Hospitals Incorporating Alternative Therapies"
"A study of patients with heart disease found
that relaxation, taming hostility and helping people change
the way they look at life’s challenges can reduce their risk
of having further heart problems by 75% compared to people given
only usual medical care and medication."
"New research demonstrates writing about past
stressful experiences can measurably help patients with chronic
"Research Study Shows Mental Attitude Can Reverse
Effects Of Aging."
"Patients Taught Guided Imagery Report Improved
Quality Of Sleep, Speeded Recovery, & Reduced Pain And Anxiety
Before And After Surgery."
"Meditation Found To Lower Blood Pressure."
"Books About Metaphysics and Spirituality Fastest
Growing Sales Category In Publishing,"
The above are only a tiny fraction of headlines
and articles to be found in the world media. Why mention this?
Because every day we receive at least one - and often many more
- email, letter, or phone call saying: "I can’t talk to anyone
else about your book, or about Light. Other people just aren’t
as open I am."
Well - it would seem this just isn’t so. Talk
to others about your interest in mind and spirit. Sharing, not
preaching, may bring some very pleasant surprises. You’ll know
right away if they are interested. If not, you tried - change
the subject. If so, share what you know. You could change someone’s
More headlines & news:
"Wildlife Officials Report Otter Attacks."
"Increase In Shark Attacks."
"Whale Rams Boat"
"Woman Bitten By Dolphin."
Seen the excerpt from Book II by Light on our
website?. It reads: "Animal nature, including
your own, is becoming increasingly hostile to the human presence
and attacks on humans are escalating. Soon you will observe
yourselves being attacked by even those gentle guardians of
the sea - dolphins, turtles, and whales. The time will come
- unless it is averted by you - when the sea itself will rise
against you."
Spread the word: LIGHTEN-UP Daily!
Before we tell you last week’s object, how about
closing your eyes, going to your "Command Center". (See 7/23/01
& 8/2/01 Lighten-Up Newsletters, address below.) Through
typing or voice command, tell "computer" (your subconscious
mind) to contact the subconscious minds of Pamela Chilton and
Dr. Hugh Harmon of Rancho Mirage, California, USA. Tell your
computer to project on the screen in your "Center" the fireplace
in our living room. (Your subconscious can get this from our
subconscious minds.)
Aren’t visual? No problem. EVERYONE’S subconscious
is visual, just ask your "computer" to describe our fireplace
as it projects the image on the screen. (Keep giving the message
you want to see what’s on the screen as well and you may convince
your subconscious.)
Your subconscious communicates with you by touch?
No problem. Tell your "computer" to project our fireplace into
your "Center". Now tell your "computer" to direct you to the
object in our minds when we sent this ezine. What do you pick
On the mantle of our fireplace (which is on the
far wall as you walk in the room - the north wall) is a red
wooden apple about the size of a large apple. What’s special
about this object? First, there are two of them - TWINS! And
second, they were a present from a special friend: Barbara Carter
of Los Angeles. Please pause and join us in sending Light to
Barbara Carter.
As long as you are exploring our fireplace mantle,
tell us for next week….what are the twin objects on each end?
What are they made of? What is their color? What are they for?
Hint: They represent something very special and very close to
Sonograms create trauma - the embryos aren’t
waving, they are jerking in pain. Sonograms can damage the brain.
How do we know? Embryos tell us! Higher Selves tell us. The
Higher Self of a woman whose husband is a OB/GYN said: "Though
your modern medicine believes, in all good faith, that it is
helpful, it will eventually find out how damaging this is to
the brain. It is the beginning, they will find, of the "frying"
of the brain". (Page 176, Chapter 6 of Odyssey of the
Soul.) Higher Spirit told us, too, and added this: "The
womb was designed perfectly for the protection of the developing
child and all MAN (and woman) wants to do is find ways of invading
If you or your child had a sonogram, don’t despair
- repair. (And avoid more, if at all possible.) Brains have
a remarkable ability to heal. It’s possible this has already
occurred. It makes sense for EVERYONE to use the power of their
mind and of Light to be certain the brain is in perfect working
order. See sending Light below.
ALSO, if you or your child has ever experienced
the following: A sonogram, birth trauma (including Cesarean
delivery, walking before crawling, crawled "funny", early childhood
trauma, difficulty with reading, writing, or following directions,
trouble with concentration, difficulty telling right from left,
inability to react naturally, inability to stop being over-analytical
THEN you want to know how you can "rewire" your brain for perfect
communication between the right and left brain. Here are two
very simple exercises you will want to do as many times as you
think about it for the next week:
1. Do a "cross crawl" by marching in place
at least 20 steps (right AND left count as one), being sure
to cross the mid-line of your body by alternately touching your
opposite knees. (Right hand touches left knee, left hand touches
right knee.) While you are marching, look up to the left (while
keeping your face straight forward.) Thereafter, do this every
time your brain feels tired or stressed.
2. Draw a figure 8 lying on its side
in the air. First, with one hand, then with the other, then
with both hands. Very Important: Begin in the middle of the
figure 8, moving upward to the left first, then down, then up
and around to the right. (Drawing the loop to the left first
- beginning at the top, THEN the loop to the right, beginning
at the top.) Do this even if you are left handed. (If you find
this difficult to do, draw a figure 8 on its side on a piece
of paper and trace this with your finger until you can do it
easily, then do it in the air.) Next, hold your arm straight
up against the side of one ear - like an elephant’s trunk -
and draw the figure 8 lying on its side with your arm by moving
your whole body, not just your head or your shoulders. Your
knees should bend slightly and your body will sway side to side.
Teach children (or yourself) who have difficulty
with reading or writing to print letters while noting which
side of the mid-line of a figure 8 on its side the loops of
each letter is. For instance, the loop in the letter "d" is
to the left of the mid-line. The loop in the letter "b" is to
the right of the mid-line. People who switch "on" and "off"
the right and left sides of their brains, rather than keeping
both sides switched "on", have difficulty telling the difference
between certain letters - like "d" and "b". The cross crawl
exercise and figure 8 practice and recognition can correct this
Before every study or testing period, do the
cross crawl before sitting down or entering the room and lean
back and trace a figure 8 on its side on the ceiling with your
eyes before beginning. You will marvel at the results.
Next week: A "do it yourself" re-birthing regression
effective for EVERYONE for achieving goals, raising self-esteem,
and improving psychic abilities. A necessary "must do" for anyone
who has had a Cesarean birth, a drugged birth, a traumatic birth,
or a birth in which the newborn was not held, admired, and welcomed
to the world.
Now send Light, to Earth, to you, to your loved
With Light,
Pamela and Dr. Hugh
After you have surrounded the Earth with Light
(which raises your vibrations), focus your mind’s eye and the
spiritual Light you have brought into it on your brain. Think/say,
"My brain is perfect. I have a perfect brain that functions
perfectly." Did you know your eyes are part of the brain?
It’s true. So now say/think: "I have perfect eyes that see
perfectly. My right eye, my left eye, my psychic eye (or
spiritual eye or mind’s eye or third eye, if you prefer) see
perfectly. I see near, far, and in between clearly. I see past,
present, and future clearly. My brain is perfect." Now continue
sending Light to the rest of your head and body, then to your
loved ones. "My spiritual senses are alive. They increase
more every day. When I choose to, am aware of spirit and spirit
communication. I am more and more spiritually aware (or psychically
aware, if you prefer to put it this way - or both) every day."
Julia Allison’s Hypnosis Website:
For previous Lighten-Up newsletters:

We welcome Jeannine Selby, Mirna Miranda, and
Ann Choi.
Please pause and send Light to each of them.
Adriana Marie Kimura. Adriana Marie Kimura. Adriana
Marie Kimura. Adriana Marie Kimura. Adriana Marie Kimura. Adriana
Marie Kimura. Adriana Marie Kimura. Adriana Marie Kimura. Adriana
Marie Kimura. Adriana Marie Kimura. Can you believe Pamela misspelled
the name of her DEAR young friend in Brazil? Dri - which is
what Pamela always calls our Light of the Southern Hemisphere
- says when they misspelled a name in school the teacher makes
them write it ten times. So Pamela has. And sends her apologies
to (((ADRIANA MARIE KIMURA))) - our Light of the Southern Hemisphere.
ANOTHER mistake by Pamela. Kim, who channeled
Billie Holiday in the hypnosis show, was a music major and certainly
DID know and does appreciate Billie Holiday’s singing. What
she didn’t know was why in the world she chose her. She hadn’t
expected to, Billie just "popped out".
PLUS Pamela did not send out last week’s newsletter.
Pamela’s excuse for all of this? "No matter
what everyone says, I’m not perfect." (Hugh: "LOL")
Pause and send Light to Adriana and Kim. Better
send Light to Pamela too. J
Lennie Arkinstall is a man who understands the
importance of one person in cleaning up the world. Working out
of a small boat, with his dog Eva at his side, he has personally
hauled several TONS of tires, lumber, syringes, tennis balls,
Styrofoam cups, beer cans, soda pop bottles - even sofas and
grocery carts - out of the Los Cerritos Wetlands. Federal wildlife
biologists and local officials credit him will making the area
in east Long Beach one of the cleanest coastal estuaries in
Southern California. He says "As I clear away junk and debris,
I swear I can hear the plants underneath say, ‘Thank you!’"
He adds he spends so much time picking up trash along the shore
that the shorebirds think he’s one of them. "Sometimes," he
says, "I get so close to them, I can feel the wind off their
wings on my face." We bet THEY are saying thank you too.
This story was in the LA Times. Look at what
a difference one person can make! Imagine how many people his
story might inspire to begin picking up the trash where they
walk, live, work, and visit. Watching a person pick up trash
that is not their own puts the thought in the head of others
to do the same - and to be sure they pick up their own trash.
Wouldn’t hearing the earth whisper "thank you" make it WELL
worth the effort and the energy expended? Maybe you can tell
10 people about the commitment Lennie Arkinstall has made to
the Earth and suggest they Lighten Up the Earth in more than
one way. Pause and send Light to Lennie Arkinstall of Los Cerritos.
Noted the news lately? Droughts. Floods. Famines.
Fires. Pestilence. Weather Changes. War. Poverty. Pollution.
Rampant Infections. Does any one really doubt the days of "Earth
Changes" predicted by prophets and seers are here? Will it get
worse? Lighten-up! Alter the predictions. Change the future
now. EVERY ONE OF YOU IS IMPORTANT. The Earth needs your Light
every day. Perhaps we can best describe Light as the spiritual
energy with which all is created and through which all balance
is restored. As Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that one person
can save the world. Indeed, that is all that ever has." (Did
we get that right David Church?)
Got our living room on the screen in your command
center; i.e. subconscious mind? Zoom in on the fireplace. The
objects at each end….what are they?
Yes, they are glass lanterns. Clear glass on
the top and green glass at the base. For providing light should
electricity give out.
Ah, but what is in the MIDDLE of the fireplace
mantle? Come visit us and see. (Our living room is often visited
by spirits - you’ll have company. Please don’t knock anything
around or startle us. Visit in silence. Share your Light. We
like it best that way.)
Don’t want to visit? Then ask your computer (subconscious
mind) to tune into the middle of our fireplace mantle and project
onto the screen of your mind (or command center) the very large
object that is on the middle of our fireplace mantle. Hint:
It should be on the wall above it. It’s very large. What is
the shape? What is it? What is on it?
How to do a "re-birthing" for yourself. Close
your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly to quiet your mind and
your body. Think of a place where you feel safe and pleasant
and imagine you are lying there - on the grass, or the sand,
or in a chair or on a bed. Or a hammock - as Christy does. Or
on a cloud, if you can imagine that. Relax your body from the
head down or the toes up. Pay attention to your shoulders, neck,
jaws, and between your brows. Lots of people hold tension in
those places. Relax them! Lower the shoulders and the jaws.
Imagine a warm energy relaxing your neck. Smooth out your forehead
and your eyebrows. Don’t squint. Imagine that with each deep
breath you are going backwards in time. First breath, you are
10 years old. Next breath, 9. Then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Now imagine you are back in the womb, just after
conception. (If this distresses you so much you cannot maintain
your composure, skip the womb part and go right to your birth
- read below. Later, seek out a hypnothrapist for a regression
to the distressed feelings. You will need to heal those.)
Imagine your adult self telling your newly conceived
embryo self: "You are important to me. You belong here. You
are perfect. I surround you with Light." Now imagine yourself
saying this to the baby you at every stage of gestation.
Now, you are about to be born. You are preparing
yourself for your first major accomplishment in this life -
a successful journey down the birth canal. You do NOT want to
do it drugged. So tell the "baby you", "Surround yourself
with Light to block or neutralize all chemicals, drugs, and
stress hormones from your mother from entering your bloodstream.
You are strong. You remember the Light. You can do this."
Now imagine the "baby you" on that journey and
that no matter what your mother is thinking/feeling her body
is HUGGING you to help you down the birth canal. Every contraction
is a hug and you push your arms and legs against the sides of
the birth canal to let the body know you appreciate that hug,
you are strong, and you ARE DONG IT!!
Imagine you are through now, and waiting right
there to catch you is……the "adult you". The "adult you" holds
you close, so the "baby you" can feel and hear that heart beat.
The chord is cut and the "baby you" takes that first marvelous
deep breath. (Do this, breathe in deeply, imagining you are
the "baby you" at this moment.) JOY! YOU ARE ALIVE! YOU DID
Now be the adult you looking down at the new
born you. TELL her/him how perfect he/she is. TELL her/him how
beautiful he/she is and how perfect his/her body is. Tell him/her
how IMPORTANT she/he is. After all, without that "baby you"
the adult you could not be. That "baby you" is very, very, very
important and this first moment of life is very important too.
You cannot change what happened "then", BUT you can change the
emotional experience in your mind, which changes the thoughts
in your mind about the experience, which changes the physical
aspects of your being that are affected by your birth. Amazing
things happen when people change the emotional experience of
their births. And this change is even more powerful when changing
it from the baby’s perspective, not just the adult’s. So imprint
at this very beginning the positive traits/qualities you want
YOU to believe subconsciously. Feeling welcome. Feeling like
you belong here. You are the right gender. You are smart. And
so on and so on. You’ll know what to say.
Teach older children this technique and make
a "game" of being reborn with younger children. (Unless they
had such a joyful entrance already.) If you or a child has had
a Cesarean Delivery add this to the above: Simulate the birth
canal by pressing lightly (with your HANDS) on all sides of
the head and the body as the baby is making his/her way down
the birth canal. Do this as many times as your child wants to.
Your child will want to until he/she feels the trauma of the
Cesarean in counteracted with the positive natural birth.
Common traits of Cesarean Births: Fear of Heights.
Fear of Falling. Inability to Set Goals. Inability to Finish
Tasks. Procrastination. If the above rebirthing does not end
this traits, go to a competent hypnotherapist for a birth regression.
FIRST experience it all as it really happened. Then have the
hypnotherapist do the "joyful" birth as outlined above.
When you Lighten Up this week give extra attention to your
brain. Look up a picture of a healthy brain. Trace the picture
with your fingers saying, "My brain is a healthy brain. My
brain is formed perfectly and works perfectly." See if you
can find the corpus callosum. That’s the area of bundled nerves
in the back of the brain that form the "communication bridge"
between the right and left brain. That’s the very area that
is developed when babies crawl properly (opposite arm and leg
going forward at the same time) and when you do the cross crawl
(marching in place) as described in a previous email newsletter.
(You don’t have to touch your knees now when you cross crawl,
just make sure the opposite arm and knee swing across the midsection
at the same time.) Perhaps this is of interest: "Cross-crawling,
or patterning, has been recognized for years as a technique
to restore neurological functioning when there has been severe
brain damage. It has been proven effective in vision training
as practiced by developmental optometrists as well. During the
1960’s Drs. Doman and Delacato announced that, in addition to
reversing brain damage, children could also learn to read better."
Edu-K for Kids, Dennison, 1-888-388-9898
After you have sent Light to Earth to help the
Earth and gather Light for you, bring that Light into your brain.
Image your brain. (Thinking of the picture of the brain will
help you image it.) Send Pink Light (for love) all through it.
Then white light (which has all the spectrums of color in it)
and your brain will take the color vibrations it needs/wants.
Do this for yourself throughout the week. Why not, each time,
do it also for people and pets you care about? Everyone’s brain
can use loving and restructuring to their perfect vibration
and pattern. We’ll be doing the same for the Lighten-Up Group
all week.
P.S. Remember the breathing
technique we taught you last week? Read "our stories" about
this. Go to opening page of our website and click Breathing
Seminar just below the banner of Light. If you live
in Hawaii or in Coachella Valley, you just might want to attend
these seminars.
With Light,
Pamela & Dr. Hugh
Pause and send Light now.
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