1/20/08 Teleseminar

Wishful Thinking/Positive Thinking

Belief & Faith

 Seminar Begins With Sending of Light

 8 Rules of the Mind:  Teaching these Rules Week by Week.  For discussion of these rules read or better yet listen to previous teleseminars posted for teleseminar subscribers.  To subscribe, go to https://www.odysseyofthesoul.org/subscription.html

Review:  Rule #1:  Every Thought Or Idea Causes A Physical Reaction. 

Rule # 2:  What Is Expected Tends To Be Realized. 

New:  Rule #3 Imagination Is More Powerful Than Reason When Dealing With The Mind.

Discussion:  Imagination as in mental images.  The subconscious mind is the seat of imagination, meaning it is the subconscious mind that builds the mental images of thought.  The subconscious self sees both physical images and mental images.  Imagination triggers belief, meaning what the subconscious self sees, it believes unless and until it is convinced otherwise.  What the subconscious self believes directly affects the brain and the body.  Thus, imagination – what the subconscious mind images and the subconscious self believes – has a more powerful effect on the brain, the body and the behavior than conscious reasoning or Higher Self knowledge. 

 1st Illustration:  Pamela’s hypnosis show at Ilikai Hotel in Honolulu.  Told the hypnotized volunteers on the stage to close their eyes.  Told them everyone in the audience had taken off their clothes and when they opened their eyes they would see a naked audience.  Volunteers opened eyes and acted embarrassed.  A light skinned, pale woman blushed so deeply red it was visible to the front rows of the audience.  When audience was given a chance at the end of the show to question the volunteers on stage one person in the third row asked the woman who blushed if she had really seen the audience naked.  Response was “No”.  There was a gasp of disappointment from the audience, then the person who asked the question exclaimed to the woman:  But you blushed beet red!”  The woman, clearly confused, responded, “I know.  It was so strange.  I could see you weren’t naked, but I felt so deeply ashamed for all of you.  I don’t know why.” 

Reason she felt ashamed for audience:  Her subconscious self was responding to the image given it of a naked audience.  So which image – the physical image or mental image – had the greater effect on her brain and body?  Clearly the mental image.  Imagination – mental imagery- is more powerful than reason when dealing with your own mind or the mind of another.

 nd Illustration:  You have resolved to eat healthy.  You have had a nutritious meal and you feel full.  You are bored or feeling low, depressed or distressed.  You find yourself thinking of a food that lifts your mood, a food you associate with feeling good.  Alcohol, Chips, Cheese, Crackers, Dip, Burgers, Fries, Pizza, Sweets, Dessert, Snacks. A great meal.  You want it.  You aren’t hungry, but now, you crave it.  Why?  Because the emotional/physical level of your subconscious self wants to feel good.  It needs to feel good.  It lives to feel good.  Feeling good is its life force.  And you can’t fool yourself into feeling good.  No matter how much you tell yourself you are happy and feeling good or should be happy and feeling good.   When the subconscious self is not happy it begins to drive the conscious self to do something about it.  If the conscious self will not do what the subconscious self needs to feel good - heal unpleasant memories from the past, reassure it about the future, have fun in the present – the subconscious self will focus on driving the conscious self to do what it will do to feel good.  Food.  Drugs.  Alcohol.  Sex.  Shopping. Self-Mutilation.  Whatever the conscious self is willing to do and cannot resist doing to trigger feel good endorphins.  The subconscious self does not care that the endorphin high is temporary, to its reasoning all it has to do is drive the conscious self to do it again and again and again, thus keeping the feel good feeling going.  It is the subconscious need to feel good that drives all compulsive behaviors.  One imagines – images self – in that release of feel good endorphins, that one is happy and invincible.  That imagination of self is powerful enough and addictive enough to over-rule knowledge and reason. 

 Dr. Hugh quips:  Addiction is Add-Diction – The subconscious self adding its dictating to you.

We invite you always to send in questions or comments or discussions you’d like us to cover in these seminars.  Wolfgang sent in an excellent suggestion.  He asked us to discuss in greater depth “Wishful Thinking, Faith, Belief, and Positive Thinking.”  

Wishful Thinking:  What the conscious self does not put physical energy into, because it has no faith or belief it will happen and/or no desire for it to happen.

Desire is an emotion, which means desire comes from the subconscious self. 

Example:  A person with subconscious fear, anger, rejection of intimacy who has fantasies of intimate encounters / relationships is engaging in wishful thinking.  Different from visualization / mental imaging of what one wants to have happen, believes can happen and puts physical energy into making it happen.     

Belief:  Conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or thing, especially when based on examination of evidence. 

Faith:  Belief in something for which there is (seemingly) no proof.

Example:  Doctor tells you that you have a condition that is incurable.  You believe in the Doctor’s knowledge and experience.  However, you may also have faith in something you believe to be more powerful than the doctor’s knowledge and experience:  Prayer.  Laying on of Hands.  Visualization.   Talking To Your Body.  Your Body’s Ability To Heal.  Your Mind and Spirit’s Ability To Heal Your Body.  Whatever it is you have faith in.  If you have faith and act upon that faith – doing what it is and accepting what it is you have faith in – your faith heals you of that condition.  However, if you have never yourself seen anyone heal from what you have faith in, your subconscious self may not believe it is possible.  Or it may not want to heal, or may not believe itself worthy of healing.  Faith without conscious action and subconscious belief and desire is wishful thinking. 

Positive Thinking:  Focusing what one says and thinks on what one wants to have happen. 

Dr. Hugh, quoted in Book I, Odyssey of the Soul, Apocatastasis:  “Positive thought at the conscious level alone is like riding half an ass, it won’t get you where you want to go.”

 Example:  NEXT WEEK as we move into the Wealth & Riches Negative Programming.

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