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Foundation for Research and Exploration of Mind Motivation

Hugh Harmon, Ph.D. Founder      Pamela Chilton, C.Ht. Director

The Treasure Chest

Table Of Contents

Book One

(Published 1998)

The Act of Creation
Book Two

Meet the Authors

Universal Records

How to Order

Light Meditation

Messages from Spirit

Proclamation To People of
Earth from Spirit


Message board

Seminars & Classes

Pet Pages

Links To Other Sites

Press Releases

The Bookstore


The Treasure Chest contains more information created by Pamela and Hugh to further develop the ideas and techniques you've read in the book. Find out how to correct your allergies in people and pets. Learn more about hypnosis, past lives and much more.


Read about:
abuse memories
akashic records
earth changes
Higher Self
inner child
Light for the millennium




Do you have allergy problems? Learn about the Allergone Allergy Correction Method ® and how it can help you with your allergies. It's free and it doesn't involve pills or shots or inhalers.


past lives
psychic dreams
regression therapy
spirit channeling spirit possesion
subconscious mind






A Simple & Deep "LIGHTEN UP" Technique All Can Use
To Protect, Heal, & Transform Oneself, Ones Loved Ones, The Future, and The Earth

There is a universal energy. LIGHT. It is the energy of creation. It is the energy of transformation. Thought has mental power. Spoken thought adds physical power. Emotions have emotional power. Light adds spiritual power to all of these. To manifest into the physical planes all these powers are needed. This is a Powerful Tithing Technique For Physical Manifestation. It can take 30 seconds.

Or as long as desired.

Repetition Adds Power Too.

Helpful Hints:

  • Breath brings in physical & spiritual power. Breathe deeply throughout the process.
  • Raising your eyes, open or closed, to middle of forehead or top of hairline or top of scalp releases brain chemistry that enhances relaxation, visualization, and creative power.
  • Think of The Universal Studios Logo Of Light Filling The Earth To help Visualize


Breathe Deeply. Think, say, and/or visualize as you imagine you can feel the Light spreading from you in all directions: "The Light of my spirit surrounds the earth and joins the light of all spirit to Light The Earth." Then think, say, or visualize, "Light fills the atmosphere, the surface, the crusts, and the magma of earth. Light shines from the center of earth into the Universe." (To give unselfishly of your Light increases the Light of your spirit. Imagine then what giving to the world, without the thoughts of your own ego will do! You may think you know what is best for earth. The intelligence behind the Light truly knows.

Even adding thoughts of "peace", "love", "harmony", "balance", "healing" when lighting the Earth dilutes the power of the Light to bring those things to the earth!

Sharing your Light, without interference from your ego, adds tremendous power to the Light.

Light SELF

Breath deeply. Think, say, and/or visualize: "The Light of the Universe fills my body, my cells, my entire being." Now imagine yourself as already having achieved your goal/s.

 FEEL how this feels. Feel excited about it. You can be as detailed and directive about this as you like!


(And Anyone and Any Place You Want To Fill With Light)

Breath deeply. Think, say, and/or visualize: "The Light of the universe fills (visualize them or think or say names.)" (You don't really know what is best for others, though you and they may think you do. The Light in them does know. You are increasing their connection with their Light. Think only Light."

This information is provided by F.R.E.O.M.M. Communicating and demonstrating the availability of Spirit to human consciousness, and the ability of the empowered individual, working with Spirit, to bring the self, the world, and world affairs into balance.
Rainbow bar

Email the authors at odyssey at (Replace the at with @.)

This page and all contents are copyright by Pamela Chilton 2001. All Rights Reserved.

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